分类: USA




洛杉矶亚洲电影节主席斯托纳(Holmes Stoner)今天在金钻奖颁奖盛典上致辞时,对各国电影界人参与2023年第五届亚洲电影节的开闭幕式、影片展映、论坛会议、推介洽谈和金钻奖颁奖盛典活动表示感谢。


洛杉矶亚洲电影节执行主席秦嘉豪(Jason Quin)今天表示,做为世界范围内规模最大的洛杉矶亚洲电影节,将继续以立足世界电影之都好莱坞的地域优势及契机,充分发挥美国电影技术及优势,扩大国际及亚洲朋友圈,特别是支持扶持青年电影人的发展,为促进各国电影产业有序衔接,共襄盛举、共享机遇、共创未来,以洛杉矶亚洲电影节的最高荣誉金钻奖促进电影事业发展,表彰为电影艺术全球化做出贡献的优秀电影人。




亚洲电影节(Asian Film Festival) 最初由美国国际商会为推动亚洲电影在全球发展在洛杉矶创立,于2018年5月2日获批为美国加州非营利性机构,首届金钻奖颁奖盛典于2019年12月12日在洛杉矶比特摩尔千禧酒店隆重举行。洛杉矶亚洲电影节金钻奖致力于构建亚洲和全球各国之间的电影文化纽带,是美国目前规模最大的亚洲电影节,堪称亚洲电影节的“奥斯卡”,多年来持续为青年电影人教育项目提供支持和募捐,每年均向非营利教育机构提供直接捐助。亚洲电影节目前由亚洲电影节委员会管理,并运营金钻奖颁奖盛典等一系列主题活动。

U.S. Import and Export Price Indexes summary

COEUSA, May 13 - U.S. import prices were unchanged in April, after increasing 2.9 percent in March, the U.S. Bureau of Labor 
Statistics reported today. Higher nonfuel prices in April offset lower fuel prices. Prices for U.S. exports
advanced 0.6 percent in April following a 4.1-percent increase the previous month.


The price index for U.S. imports was unchanged in April, after rising 6.8 percent over the first quarter of
2022. U.S. import prices have not recorded a monthly decline since the index fell 0.4 percent in December
2021. Prices for U.S. imports advanced 12.0 percent for the year ended in April, down from the 13.0-percent
increase recorded last month. (See table 1.)

Fuel Imports: Import fuel prices declined 2.4 percent in April following a 39.2-percent increase from
December to March. The decrease in April was the first 1-month drop since the index fell 7.7 percent in
December 2021. Lower petroleum prices in April more than offset higher natural gas prices. Despite the
decrease in April, import fuel prices rose 64.3 percent over the past 12 months. Petroleum prices fell 2.9
percent in April, after advancing 19.4 percent the previous month. In contrast, natural gas prices increased
6.8 percent in April following a 9.5-percent decline in March. Petroleum and natural gas prices rose over the
past year, advancing 63.0 percent and 102.2 percent, respectively.

All Imports Excluding Fuel: Prices for nonfuel imports increased 0.4 percent in April following advances
of 1.2 percent, 0.9 percent, and 1.4 percent the 3 previous months. Nonfuel import prices have not recorded
a 1-month drop since the index decreased 0.2 percent in November 2020. Higher prices for nonfuel
industrial supplies and materials; capital goods; foods, feeds, and beverages; and automotive vehicles all
contributed to the April increase in nonfuel import prices. The price index for nonfuel imports rose on a 12-
month basis, advancing 7.2 percent.

Foods, Feeds, and Beverages: Foods, feeds, and beverages prices increased 0.9 percent in April, after rising
0.4 percent in March. Prices for foods, feeds, and beverages have not recorded a monthly decline since the
index fell 0.1 percent in November 2021; the index advanced 12.1 percent for the year ended in April.

Nonfuel Industrial Supplies and Materials: Prices for nonfuel industrial supplies and materials rose 0.6
percent in April following a 4.6-percent advance in March. Higher prices in April for steelmaking materials,
fertilizer, and steel mill products more than offset lower prices for unfinished building materials and
precious metals.

Finished Goods: Prices for most of the major finished goods categories increased in April. Import capital
goods prices advanced 0.4 percent for the second consecutive month and the index increased 3.8 percent for
the year ended in April. The 12-month rise in capital goods prices was the largest over-the-year advance
since September 1992. The price index for automotive vehicles also increased in April, rising 0.3 percent
following a 0.1-percent advance in March. Prices for consumer goods were unchanged in April, the first
time the index has not recorded a monthly increase since February 2021.

U.S. export prices rose 0.6 percent in April following a 10.5-percent advance from December to March.
Higher prices for both agricultural and nonagricultural exports contributed to the overall increase in U.S.
export prices in April. The price index for U.S. exports rose 18.0 percent over the past year. (See table 2.)

Agricultural Exports: The price index for agricultural exports advanced 1.1 percent in April, after
increasing 4.3 percent the previous month. Agricultural export prices have not declined on a monthly basis
since September 2021. Higher prices in April for corn, cotton, meat, and nuts more than offset lower prices
for wheat and soybeans. Prices for agricultural exports rose 20.9 percent from April 2021 to April 2022, led
by higher prices for wheat, soybeans, corn, cotton, and meat.

All Exports Excluding Agriculture: Prices for nonagricultural exports advanced 0.5 percent in April
following increases of 4.1 percent in March, 3.3 percent in February, and 2.8 percent in January. In April,
higher prices for capital goods; nonagricultural industrial supplies and materials; automotive vehicles; and
consumer goods all contributed to the rise in nonagricultural export prices. The price index for
nonagricultural exports advanced 17.6 percent for the year ended in April, led by higher nonagricultural
industrial supplies and materials prices.

Nonagricultural Industrial Supplies and Materials: Nonagricultural industrial supplies and materials prices
increased 0.4 percent in April following a 20.7-percent advance from December to March. Higher prices for
chemicals and nonferrous metals more than offset a 1.3-percent drop in fuel prices. Despite the April
decline, export fuel prices rose 72.8 percent over the past year.

Finished Goods: Prices for each of the major finished goods categories advanced in April. Capital goods
prices increased 0.9 percent following consecutive 0.4-percent advances in March and February and a 0.9-
percent rise in January. Prices for export capital goods increased 5.1 percent for the year ended in April, the
largest 12-month advance since September 1982. The price index for automotive vehicles rose 0.8 percent
in April and consumer goods prices advanced 0.5 percent for the same period.

More information for the major import and export price indexes can be found at

Measures of Import and Export Prices by Locality

Imports by Locality of Origin: The price index for imports from China advanced 0.2 percent in April
following a 0.5-percent increase in March. The April rise was driven by higher prices for fabricated metal
products manufacturing. Prices for imports from China rose 4.6 percent over the past year. Import prices
from Japan advanced 0.3 percent in April, after increasing 0.5 percent the previous month. Prices for
imports from Japan rose 1.9 percent from April 2021 to April 2022. The price indexes for imports from the
European Union and Mexico also increased in April, advancing 0.2 percent and 0.6 percent, respectively. In
contrast, the price index for imports from Canada declined 1.4 percent, after rising 20.1 percent from
December to March. (See table 7.)

Exports by Locality of Destination: Export prices to China decreased 0.3 percent in April, the first
monthly drop since a 1.0-percent decline in December 2021. The decrease in April followed a 10.4-percent
rise from December to March. Despite the April drop, prices for exports to China advanced 14.5 percent
over the past 12 months. The price index for exports to Japan rose 0.7 percent in April following a 4.8-
percent increase in March. Export prices to Japan advanced 18.7 percent for the year ended in April, the
largest 12 month increase since May 2021. Prices for exports to the European Union fell 0.6 percent in
April, after rising 4.5 percent the previous month. The price index for exports to Canada increased 1.3
percent in April and export prices to Mexico rose 1.4 percent over the same period. (See table 8.)

Terms of Trade Indexes: Terms of trade indexes are based on country, region, or grouping and measure
the change in the purchasing power of exports relative to imports. U.S. terms of trade with China declined
0.5 percent in April, after rising 9.0 percent from December to March. Higher import prices from China and
decreasing export prices to China each contributed to the April drop in the U.S. terms of trade. Despite the
April decline, the index for U.S. terms of trade with China rose 9.4 percent from April 2021 to April 2022.
U.S. terms of trade with Japan advanced 0.4 percent in April following a 4.2-percent increase in March.
U.S. terms of trade with Japan rose 16.5 percent for the year ended in April, the largest over-the-year
advance since a 17.1-percent increase in May 2021. U.S. terms of trade with the European Union decreased
0.8 percent in April, after rising 3.1 percent the previous month. The index for U.S. terms of trade with
Canada advanced 2.8 percent in April and U.S. terms of trade with Mexico increased 0.8 percent over the
same period. (See table 9.)

Import and Export Services

Imports: Import air passenger fares advanced 3.6 percent in April following an 8.6-percent rise in March
and a 6.1-percent increase in February. In April, higher Asian, Latin American/Caribbean, and European
fares all contributed to the overall advance. Import air passenger fares rose 14.2 percent over the past year,
the largest 12-month increase since September 2021. Prices for import air freight declined 4.6 percent in
April, after increasing 2.7 percent the previous month. Import air freight prices advanced 6.5 percent from
April 2021 to April 2022. (See table 10.)

Exports: The index for export air passenger fares ticked up 0.1 percent in April following a 7.0-percent
advance in March. Higher Latin American/Caribbean fares in April offset declining Asian and European
fares. Export air passenger fares rose 9.7 percent for the year ended in April. Export air freight prices were
unchanged in April, after advances of 4.6 percent and 6.3 percent the previous 2 months. Prices for export
air freight have not recorded a 1-month decline since July 2021 and rose 23.3 percent over the past year.
The April 12-month advance was the largest over-the-year increase since the index rose 23.7 percent in
August 2008.

U.S. Import and Export Price Index data for May 2022 are scheduled for release on Wednesday, June 15, 2022
at 8:30 a.m. (ET).


WASHINGTON – The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), will host a hearing on May 17 to examine discrimination based on race, national origin, and sex in construction and consider potential solutions to increasing diversity, equity, and inclusion in the sector.

The hearing, “Knocking Down Walls: Discrimination and Harassment in Construction,” will provide historical, statistical and experiential evidence of race- and sex-based harassment and discrimin­ation that has limited opportunities for Black, Asian, Hispanic, Native American and female workers in construction. The hearing will also explore promising practices to prevent and address systemic discrim­ination so that historically marginalized workers can contribute to the $1.2 trillion federal effort to improve America’s infrastructure.


  • Japlan “Jazz” Allen, Treasurer & Iron Worker, Chicago Women in Trades
  • Janel Bailey, Co-Executive Director of Organizing & Programs, Los Angeles Black Workers Center
  • James Bobseine, Trial Attorney, EEOC Buffalo Local Office
  • David Chincanchan, Policy Director, Workers Defense Project
  • Trevor Griffey, Lecturer of U.S. History, UC Irvine
  • Nicole Mason, President & CEO, Institute for Women’s Policy Research
  • Ken Simonson, Chief Economist, Associated General Contractors of America
  • Melissa Wells, Special Assistant to the President for Diversity and Inclusion, North America’s Building Trades Union
  • Chris Winters, Military & Tribal Liaison, International Union of Painters and Allied Trades District Council # 5
  • Gary, Iron Worker

WHEN: Tuesday, May 17, 10:30 a.m. EDT


The meeting will be held as a live-streamed videoconference, with an option for listen-only audio dial-in by telephone. More instructions will be posted on www.eeoc.gov 24 hours before the meeting.

The EEOC advances opportunity in the workplace by enforcing federal laws prohibiting employment discrimination. More information about the EEOC’s work generally can be found at www.eeoc.gov. Stay connected with the latest EEOC news by subscribing to our email updates.

U.S. International Investment Position, Third Quarter 2021

The U.S. net international investment position (IIP), the difference between U.S. residents’ foreign financial assets and liabilities, was –$16.07 trillion at the end of the third quarter of 2021, according to statistics released today by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). Assets totaled $34.45 trillion, and liabilities were $50.53 trillion. At the end of the second quarter, the net investment position was –$15.91 trillion.

The –$165.1 billion change in the net investment position from the second quarter to the third quarter came from net financial transactions of –$114.0 billion and net other changes in position, such as price and exchange-rate changes, of –$51.1 billion that mostly reflected the depreciation of major foreign currencies against the U.S. dollar that lowered the value of U.S. assets in dollar terms.

U.S. assets increased by $181.2 billion to a total of $34.45 trillion at the end of the third quarter, reflecting increases in portfolio investment and reserve assets. Portfolio investment assets increased by $194.3 billion to $16.16 trillion, driven by net U.S. purchases of foreign securities. Reserve assets increased by $105.0 billion to $695.1 billion, reflecting the allocation of $112.8 billion in new special drawing rights (SDRs) in August 2021 to the United States as its share of the $650 billion SDR allocation approved by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The SDR is an international reserve asset created by the IMF to supplement its member countries’ official reserves and can be exchanged between members for currencies such as the U.S. dollar, the euro, or the yen. The allocation in the third quarter was the largest in the history of the IMF.

U.S. liabilities increased by $346.3 billion to a total of $50.53 trillion at the end of the third quarter, mostly reflecting increases in other investment liabilities. Other investment liabilities increased by $294.8 billion to $7.77 trillion, reflecting increases in deposit liabilities and in SDR allocation liabilities that represent the U.S. long-term obligation to other IMF member countries holding SDRs. In an SDR allocation, the increase in U.S. liabilities offsets the increase in U.S. assets, so the allocation has no impact on the net international investment position.

Releases of New Statistics

With this release of the U.S. IIP Accounts, BEA is introducing two new IIP tables—tables 2.2 and 4.1. IIP table 2.2 features annual statistics on direct investment positions in U.S. resident special purpose entities (SPEs), which are U.S. legal entities with little or no employment or physical presence. The increased prevalence of SPEs heightens the need for separate statistics on their activities for analysis and for improved interpretability of macroeconomic statistics. IIP table 4.1 features quarter-end position statistics on U.S. debt positions by currency, sector, and maturity for U.S. assets and liabilities. These statistics will be valuable for assessing U.S. exposure to foreign currency risks and for helping to identify potential future financial crises. The new tables fulfill commitments to the IMF Task Force on Special Purpose Entities and the G–20 Data Gaps Initiative to release these statistics by yearend 2021. For more information, see “New Statistics on U.S. Resident Special Purpose Entities in the International Investment Position Accounts” and “New Statistics on U.S. Debt Positions in the International Investment Position Accounts.”

Accelerating Release of Annual IIP Statistics

BEA will accelerate the publication of the annual IIP table 1.3 usually released in June each year to March each year. Table 1.3 provides details for the annual change in the IIP, such as financial transactions, price changes, exchange-rate changes, and other changes in volume and valuation. For the upcoming IIP release on March 29, 2022, BEA will include table 1.3 for 2021, which will also be available in BEA’s Interactive Data Application. The table will subsequently be updated as part of the annual update in June each year.


华盛顿,12月30日 – 美国经济分析局(BEA)今天发布的统计数据显示,截至2021年第三季度末,美国净国际投资头寸(IIP)为- 16.07万亿美元,即美国居民的海外金融资产和负债之间的差额。资产总额为34.45万亿美元,负债为50.53万亿美元。在第二季度末,净投资头寸为- 15.91万亿美元。




截至第三季度末,美国债务增加3,463亿美元,至50.53万亿美元,主要反映在其他投资债务的增加。其他投资债务增加了2948亿美元,至7.77万亿美元,反映出存款债务和特别提款权分配债务的增加,这是美国对其他持有特别提款权的国际货币基金组织 成员国的长期义务。在特别提款权分配中,美国负债的增加抵消了美国资产的增加,因此这种分配对净国际投资头寸没有影响。

The Golden Diamond Awards winners were announced at the 3rd Annual Asian Film Festival awards ceremony in Los Angeles

LOS ANGELES, CA, Dec 19 – Today, The 3rd Asian Film Festival Golden Diamond Awards ceremony was held in Los Angeles. The event’s red carpet scene was spectacular and the award stage was full of stars. Academy Award winning directors, Hollywood stars, producers, investors and Asian Film Festival ‘s filmmakers are once again gathering together to celebrate.

Holmes Stoner, Chairman of the Asian Film Festival; Leith Enron, Co-Chairwoman of the Asian Film Festival; Inge Sawerthal, President of the American Chamber of International Commerce; Richard Anderson, Oscar winner and Emmy Winner and Mariana Tse, former US Assistant Secretary of Education, As well as Asian Film Festival judges representatives Amber Martinez and Francesca Gioia Drommi and other awards guests on stage at Golden Diamond Awards ceremony to award Best Future, Best Documentary, Best Animation winners, As well as the Best New Director, Best New Actress, Best Child Actor and Best Child Actress award were presented with a Golden Diamond Awards trophy and certificate.

Chinese feature film “Run. Shunzi” Leading actress Xu Yuan won the golden Diamond Award for Best Actress. Xu won much attention for her performance as Zhang Shunzi, the heroine of the movie, which depicts a young amateur athlete who becomes a professional athlete and continues to make miracles.

Jason Quin, The executive chairman of the Asian Film Festival Los Angeles delivered a speech via video on the ceremony today, He announced that the 4th Asian Film Festival was launched at the same time and will be open for application soon.

Following is the full list of the 3rd Golden Diamond Awards winners:

Best Feature: “Winter in LA”, USA
Best Foreign Language Film: “Four Ever Young”, China
Best Documentary: “Song of Little Saigon”, USA
Best Animation: “Nai Nai”, USA
Best Short Film: “Hell in a Handbasket”, Canada
Best Documentary Short: “Believer”, China
Best Student Short: ” Magician: Game of Detective”, China
Best Director: “The Road to Eden”, Kyrgyzstan
Best First Director:
“Take it Easy”, USA, Suja Raghuram Manoj
Best Director Student: ” One Afternoon”, China, Yumin Zhang
Best Script: “Like Rainbow”, Iran, Behrad Sahebgharani
Best Cinematography: ”Path To The Sky”, Sammy Su, Canada
Best Production Design: “Bloody Romeo”, Canada, Alina Lapteva
Best Music: “A Paper Plane Ride Home”, USA, Georgia Conrad
Best Actor: “The Road to Eden”, Kyrgyzstan, Bakyt Mukul
Best Actress: “Run! Shunzi”, China, Yuan Xu
Best New Actress: “An Hero”, USA, Tyler Li Stoner
Best Child Actor: “Snails”, USA, Aiden Lu
Best Child Actress: “Where the Light Ends”, China, Zili Zhang

New Foreign Direct Investment in the United States, 2020

Expenditures by foreign direct investors to acquire, establish, or expand U.S. businesses totaled $120.7 billion (preliminary) in 2020. Expenditures were down 45.4 percent from $221.2 billion (revised) in 2019 and below the annual average of $314.4 billion for 2014-2019. As in previous years, acquisitions of existing businesses accounted for a large majority of total expenditures.

In 2020, expenditures for acquisitions were $116.3 billion, expenditures to establish new U.S. businesses were $1.9 billion, and expenditures to expand existing foreign-owned businesses were $2.4 billion. Planned total expenditures, which include both first-year and planned future expenditures, were $135.8 billion.

Expenditures by industry, country, and state in 2020

By industry, expenditures for new direct investment were largest in manufacturing, at $63.3 billion, accounting for 52.4 percent of total expenditures. Within manufacturing, expenditures were largest in chemical manufacturing ($26.9 billion) and computers and electronic products ($14.8 billion). There were also notable expenditures in information ($17.4 billion), primarily telecommunications.

By country of ultimate beneficial owner (UBO), the largest investing country was Germany, with expenditures of $20.5 billion. Canada ($15.2 billion) was the second largest country, followed by Switzerland ($13.8 billion). By region, Europe contributed two-thirds of new investment in 2020.

By U.S. state, Texas received the largest investment, with expenditures of $18.6 billion, followed by California ($17.8 billion) and New Jersey ($14.1 billion).

Greenfield expenditures

Greenfield investment expenditures—expenditures to either establish a new U.S. business or to expand an existing foreign-owned U.S. business—were $4.4 billion in 2020. Total planned expenditures until completion for greenfield investment initiated in 2020, which include both first-year and future expenditures, were $19.5 billion.

By U.S. industry, greenfield expenditures in 2020 were largest in manufacturing ($1.3 billion) and utilities ($1.1 billion). By region of UBO, Europe ($2.2 billion) and Asia and Pacific ($1.7 billion) had the largest expenditures. By U.S. state, Texas received the highest level of greenfield investment ($1.0 billion).

Employment by newly acquired, established, or expanded foreign-owned businesses

In 2020, employment at newly acquired, established, or expanded foreign-owned businesses in the United States was 197,500 employees. Current employment of acquired enterprises was 194,000. Total planned employment, which includes the current employment of acquired enterprises, the planned employment of newly established business enterprises when fully operational, and the planned employment associated with expansions, was 206,500.

By industry, retail trade accounted for the largest number of employees (between 50,000 and 100,000)1followed by manufacturing (30,900), primarily chemical manufacturing. By country of UBO, Canada accounted for the largest number of employees (112,400), followed by the United Kingdom (10,100) and the United Kingdom Islands in the Caribbean, which include the British Virgin Islands and Cayman Islands (7,400).

By U.S. state, Texas had the largest employment (between 50,000 and 100,000), followed by California (21,000) and Arizona (9,300). Employment for an acquired entity that operated in multiple states is attributed to the state in which it had the greatest number of employees.

Gina M. Raimondo to Join President Biden and other U.S. Government Leaders at the U.S.-EU Summit in Brussels, Belgium

On June 14-16, U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina M. Raimondo will travel to Brussels, Belgium to join President Biden, Secretary Blinken, Ambassador Tai and EU government leaders at the U.S.-EU Summit. In addition to supporting President Biden’s mission at the U.S.-EU Summit, Secretary Raimondo will meet with European Union government leaders and industry leaders to discuss strengthening the transatlantic partnership and economic and digital cooperation. This marks her first official international trip as Secretary.

Gina M. Raimondo Call with Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao of China

U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina M. Raimondo held an introductory call today with the Minister of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China, Wang Wentao. Secretary Raimondo discussed the Biden-Harris Administration’s focus on economic policies benefiting American workers and expressed U.S. concerns, including China’s unfair and market-distorting industrial policies, the need to level the playing field for U.S. companies in China, and the importance of protecting U.S. technology from unauthorized users. Secretary Raimondo noted that she looks forward to future discussions with Minister Wang on these issues.

President Biden to Join Secretary Raimondo at the 2021 SelectUSA Investment Summit

U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina M. Raimondo today announced that President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. will provide prerecorded remarks at the 2021 SelectUSA Investment Summit, to be held virtually June 7-11. President Biden will join Cabinet Secretaries, Governors, CEOs, and other public and private sector leaders eager to strike global business investment deals for the United States and share insights on the latest innovations and trends in an effort to support and create jobs.

“Since taking office, President Biden has made our economic recovery a top priority – and growing U.S. trade and foreign direct investment are an important component of that,” said Secretary Raimondo. “I am proud to stand alongside him in making a powerful case to the world that the U.S. is the best place for any nation to do business.”

In addition to President Biden, Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg will now participate in the SelectUSA Investment Summit. They join Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, Labor Secretary Marty Walsh, Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, Small Business Administration Administrator Isabel Guzman, Governors, top CEOs, and small business leaders for the highest-profile event dedicated to promoting foreign direct investment in the United States.

For nine years in a row, the United States has been ranked by A.T. Kearney as the top place for foreign business investment. Many important investment deals are conducted at the SelectUSA Investment Summit, and since inception it has generated more than $48.4 billion in foreign direct investment, supporting more than 45,000 jobs in the United States.

The Investment Summit provides opportunities to spotlight America’s innovative climate, diversity of resources and robust workforce which can contribute to global success for foreign investors. The event will promote four pillars to increase American competitiveness: 1) Revitalizing U.S. manufacturing and developing advanced industries; 2) Building a 21st century workforce; 3) Maintaining leadership in global innovation; and 4) Promoting America, at home and abroad. Biden-Harris Administration priorities will also be discussed, such as the American Jobs Plan, the American Rescue Plan implementation, other COVID-19 economic recovery efforts, job creation, building back better and more inclusivity.

Housed within the U.S. Department of Commerce, SelectUSA promotes and facilitates business investment into the United States by coordinating related federal government agencies to serve as a single point of contact for investors. SelectUSA assists U.S. economic development organizations to compete globally for investment by providing information, a platform for international marketing, and high-level advocacy. SelectUSA also helps investors find the information they need to make decisions; connect to the right people at the local level; navigate the federal regulatory system; and find solutions to issues related to the federal government.